December 2018 Unterwegs!

Enormous dog and his human on the U Bahn Dec 20 2018 by Suzanne ForbesPersephone phones home.

I saw this red-headed woman and her enormous Cerberus and just HAD to draw them, I was drawing so fast because of course you never know how long you’ll have, what station the person will get off at. I was lucky and got a decent amount of time to get the details.

Day drinker on the U6 Dec 18 2018 by Suzanne ForbesThis punk as fuck guy was having some lager at 10 a.m.

I’m not normally out in the world before one in the afternoon at the earliest, but I had an endocrinologist appointment so I was on the U6 with the morning folks. Which included this very tall dude, who drained one pint can, crushed the can and immediately opened another. Ah, Berlin!

It is my Patrons on Patreon whose monthly financial contributions make it possible for me to work as I can, when I can. Given how rocky my health has been this year, with multiple autoimmune illnesses and a bus accident that busted up my drawing hand, it’s an indescribable blessing. I am so grateful to you!

My documentary art is licensed Creative Commons and free for all!

Previous unterwegs are here:

Fall 2018

September 2018

August 2018 unterwegs

July 2018 bonus round

July 2018

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018 bonus round

February 2018

January 2018 bonus round

January 2018 round 1

December 2017

November 2017

September 2017

July bonus round



May bonus round

May round one


March 2





5 thoughts on “December 2018 Unterwegs!

  1. Pat Ketchum

    Lager at 10:00 am? I remember those days….I always like to see these unterwegs. Such an enormous dog can ride the train?

    1. Suzanne Forbes Post author

      Yes, although he needs his own ticket. Lapdogs can ride without a ticket. Such big dogs are also supposed to wear muzzles, but that is one of those laws everybody mostly ignores!

  2. Pingback: Bonus Jan 2019 unterwegs! -

  3. Pingback: First unterwegs of 2019! -

  4. Pingback: Unterwegs for March 2019! -

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