Monthly Archives: September 2015

Works in Progress, 2D and 3D.

S-Bahn_WIP_Suzanne_Forbes_2015 - EditedI started this drawing on the S-Bahn and haven’t had occasion to ride the S again for a bit, so it’s on hold til I do! I thought the amount of correction and adjustment that goes into any drawing might be of interest.

I’m almost done with the mantis- her feet turned out to want to look like a ballerina in toe shoes, and I’m rolling with it. Her wings are made of two kinds of patterned sheer green organza and one kind of green fibrous paper, layered in an embroidery hoop and stitched together with fine wire.mantis WIP Suzanne Forbes

First project in our new home.

beetle_Suzanne_Forbes_Sept_2015Yes, I love bugs and I cannot lie.

This is the first project I finished in our new home, a small but very detailed embroidery using multiple gauges and types of metallic thread to sort of drill down into the shiny carapace. The idea is that stringing a fine web of metallic thread over a two or three color satin-stitch fade will help to make it shine without obscuring the color, like interferent paints.

Our new kitchen has amazing light, and it has rapidly become my favorite workspace for detailed handwork. It’s kind of a construction site, since like many traditional Berlin rentals it was a BYOK- Bring Your Own Kitchen- and we get a little into setting it up, then run out of money and take a break. But I love it anyway, so much. Working in here, I am as happy as I’ve ever