Hacker waffles!

Ursula in the library by Suzanne Forbes April 12 2017Our friends came all the way from Friedrichshain to make us waffles!

On a Sunday afternoon friends of ours who the hub knew back in SF came over with an enormous waffle iron. Ursula set up a new laptop and chatted geek talk with the hub while Ben made a yeast-raised batter. The waffles were amazing, ethereally light yet toothsome. We had them mit erdbeeren, himbeeren and schlagsahne. As you do.

Ben told me some crazy stories about hacker camp Iron Chef contests!

He chilled out after waffle-making, while Ursula checked hub’s German-learning progress. You can see her showing him some pronunciation tips when we first arrived here.

Ben resting after making us waffles by Suzanne Forbes April 12 2017

I am so glad to know awesome women in tech like Ursula here in Berlin. There’s plenty of tech jobs for women here, in case you didn’t know!

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