Tag Archives: life drawing Berlin.

La Loba Lucía performs for Sketcherei!

La Loba Lucía, a tall fierce femme with lots of long dark hair, is drawn seated in a cowboy burlesque look.I love to draw La Loba Lucía.

She is unforgettably fierce and always creative. Her Rorschach number a few years ago remains one of my favorite Berlin burlesque performances of all time.

La Loba Lucia for Sketcherei by Suzanne Forbes April 22 2024So glad I could catch this Sketcherei zoom session!

La Loba’s performances and costumes were iconic.

La Loba Lucia for Sketcherei by Suzanne Forbes April 22 2024 3Thank you for another accessible event Sketcherei and La Loba Lucía!

Sketcherei supports performers and sex workers and always has great music and vibes. Insta here, upcoming events here! Alexandra Ru (aka Barsketcher) and her mom are running the sessions together, and I love that they offer zoom access.

I’m so grateful to my Patrons on Patreon, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to keep working as an artist, to share my art for free, and to support Berlin performers!

La Loba Lucia for Sketcherei by Suzanne Forbes April 22 2024 3

Second Annual Longest Night collaboration with Sadie Lune!

Last night I renewed my collaboration with Eternal Muse Sadie Lune for the Winter Solstice.

For the second year in a row, we met on zoom to make art and set intentions, hold hope and hold each other in our hearts.

Drawing of Sadie Lune, a tall and beautiful white femme. She is veiled and surrounded by candles, wearing lace and corset.

Again Sadie absolutely stunned and amazed with her makeup and styling.

Drawing of Sadie Lune, a tall and beautiful white femme. She sits and smokes, wearing lace, corset and boots.

Celebrating the Longest Night in the Court of Night Blooming Flowers is a theme in the Kushiel’s Dart books.

When I was working at Wicked Grounds in 2009 I was introduced to the Kushiel’s Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey. Everyone at work was a fan! Prominent in the extremely kinky and queer series are the Servants of Naamah, a church and religion of sex worker priests and priestesses. It was the perfect fantasy series for the kinky queers and sex workers of Wicked Grounds!

I hope Sadie and I can convene and do this beautiful ritual again.

Previous collabs with Sadie Lune:

The first Longest Night

The Lamp of Spring

My latest IRL portrait of Sadie, on a very cold Fall day.

Vampire Baby Jesus

Sadie in Thistle and Spire

Book release party for “As You Wish, my Lady” – vanilla

Book release party for “As You Wish, my Lady” – NSFW

Sadie’s piece in the Coven show at Schwules Museum

Sadie’s pregnancy photo shoot, documented

Vampire Lesbians of Neukoelln – NFSW

Diptych portrait of Sadie Lune and Jo Pollux

You can learn about Sadie’s work on her (NSFW) website. And here’s her Insta, and her twitter . My flickr gallery of drawings and paintings of Sadie is here!

I am so grateful to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making art as a homebound disabled person.

With your support, I can work from home or safely outside and keep telling the stories of Berlin.