August Drawing Roundup!

Some drawings I’ve been finishing up.

Here’s one of my beloved friend-muse-patrons with her little guy Felix.chunskis summer 2016 by Suzanne Forbes

in the ubahn by Suzanne Forbes Aug 30 2016Here’s a girl I glimpsed on the subway platform and had to draw because something about the way she delicately picked a strand of hair out of her face reminded me of my friend Victoria’s daughter Dalia when she was younger.

drawing of Victoria Aronoff by Suzanne Forbes 1993Here’s a throwback- a drawing I did of Victoria in ’93 that she recently sent me.

drawing by Suzanne Forbes April 2015Here’s a guy I drew on the U-Bahn cause he looked like my boyfriend David when I lived in DC.

And here’s a note I left for my middle-aged German biker furniture movers, who don’t speak a word of English but can be relied on to go anywhere in Berlin and collect something I bought on eBay, then deliver it and gruffly mock me for “kaufen, kaufen!”. We would have no furniture without them.note to Bernd und Peter Suzanne Forbes 2016

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