Drink+Draw Drawings

Suzanne Forbes drawing from Drink and Draw Berlin June 25 2016I made quite a few drawings at the last Drink+Draw Berlin.

Dothraki cosplay drawing Suzanne Forbes June 25 2016 (Maybe my lack of drinking helps!) However, it’s taking me a while to clean them up and scan them. I don’t always touch the drawings from an event afterwards; in fact mostly I just scan and post them.

In this case, I chose probably the darkest spot in the otherwise nicely lit room to draw in, so I wanted to touch up some lines.

Plus, many of the costumes were highly detailed, like the bellydancers’ outfits and this dude who was cosplaying a Dothraki.

So I took the time to finish off more costumes and the fabulous 1001 Nights-themed set that I’d only sketched in.

There’s one more batch, which hopefully I’ll get to soon.

So grateful to the Drink+Draw crew and main model Miss Cat D’Vine, and all the volunteer models, the musicians, djs and the incredible artists I was thrilled to be working in the same room with.Suzanne Forbes June 25 2016 Berlin


1 thought on “Drink+Draw Drawings

  1. Pingback: Drawing at the Drink and Draw Berlin Midnight Society Party, May 20 2017. - ChipInHead.com

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