Monthly Archives: July 2022

For Queer Wrath Month, a custom steed for my trans action figures!

Purple Queer Wrath Month Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022 My custom trans action figure Cherie and her girlfriend Edwina needed a fierce steed for LGTBTQ+ Wrath Month!

I saw this He-Man Masters of the Universe Panthor figure on sale this spring. I knew she was perfect for my traditional Pride Month mixed media project.

Or for Gay Wrath Month!

In Germany and much of Europe Pride Month is actually July, but there’s no reason we can’t combine Pride and Wrath!

Purple Queer Wrath Month Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022After all, combining Pride and Wrath is where it all began.

It’s Christopher Street Day weekend in Berlin, and the streets and clubs are full of people.

Purple Queer Wrath Month Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022I can’t go out and join them. So this is the parade in our house!

Although disability access for CSD Berlin and disabled pride contingents are increasing! And lots of orgs had beautiful graphics showing wheelchair users this year 🙂

Masters of the Universe Panthor Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022 faceupCustomizing the Battle Tiger was fairly easy.

I wiped down her face with alcohol to remove mold release and hand oils. I sculpted new, larger ears with my beloved Apoxie-Sculpt. The ears cured overnight, then I painted her face with artists’ acrylic to emphasize her features.

A few dark washes followed by different hues of drybrushing really made the sculpt shine. Extra pink to add dimension to her tongue, red inside nostrils, and painting white what Jorts the Cat calls the “secret teeth” helped too. I painted the Black Trans Pride flag colors on the tiger’s tail.

Purple Queer Wrath Month Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022 I also added highlights and lowlights to her ruff and shoulders, to integrate the head sculpt paint job with her body.

Finally I varnished the paint job with DecoArt DuraClear gloss acrylic polyurethane and added a dome of clear gloss over her eyes, tongue and inner nostrils with UV resin. Just like I did with my Snow Queen’s reindeer! Purple Queer Wrath Month Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022 boopI would note that the gloss polyurethane is a little shinier than the toy’s finish, but Mod Podge matte would have been a little duller.

It shows up more in photos than IRL. Kinda have to choose your poison with these materials.

MOTU Battle Tiger miniature fantasy saddle custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022The embellished saddle and saddle blanket were the real work.

I had to carve out the saddle’s sides first, because Cherie doesn’t have sideways legs articulation and she’s wearing a skirt. I did that with an old pair of cuticle nippers, a great tool for cutting toy plastic, then filed.

I smoothed the cut areas with Apoxie Sculpt. Once it cured, I sprayed the whole saddle down with alcohol to degrease, then wiped it down and painted the areas I planned to duochrome black.

MOTU Origins Panthor Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022 saddle After that I applied the UV resin nail base, a clear base that hardens to tacky under the LED nail lamp.

I rubbed the duochrome powder on with a brush, which was pretty and messy. It clings neatly to the base, and brushing away the excess powder to see a shining surface is not unlike working with gold or silver leaf. After burnishing the powder, I painted on a layer of gloss top coat and cured it under the UV LED lamp. Amazing results! Soooo shiny!

Masters of the Universe Battle Tiger custom for trans action figures by Suzanne Forbes July 22 2022 saddleOnce the duochrome effects were done, I added gradient pearls and DMC crystals in AB Jet and AB Siam.

The saddle’s seat had to be raised for Cherie, so I used two layers of double thickness felt, beveled into shape. I covered it with one of the very, very last scraps of my beloved changeant blue-purple velvet bought at that great art supply store on Haight St. in 1999.

Then iridescent vinyl knee pads and pommel and cantle effects. Plus lots of miniature picot trim from The Dolls House Draper! For the saddle blanket, I pulled out every random scrap of purple ribbon I’d ever saved, and was thrilled at how I managed to get the colors to work together with the Black Trans Pride flag on the tiger’s tail.

MOTU Origins Panthor before Queer As Fuck customization

So much work, and I’m so proud of the results!

Incredible gratitude to my Patreon Patrons, whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue making Queer As Fuck art as a  disabled artist.

Previous Trans Pride and CSD Berlin toy art projects:

GodXXX Noirphiles Trans Magic Barbie for Dollicious Life Mochallenge!

Trans pride and power: action figures and stuffed trans mermaid doll!

Christopher Street Day in Berlin: miniature rainbow ice cream party collab with Littlest Sweet Shop!

Trans Dino-Witch, a vision of protection and safety for trans folx.

Coming out for the first festival from Queerberg Presents!

Dina and Suryani at Whoriental Festival from Queerberg Presents by Suzanne Forbes July 17 2022I had to go to Queerberg Presents‘ first festival.

It was simply non-negotiable. I had promised Queerberg‘s sweetheart producer, dancer, teacher and performer Prens Emrah that I would make it to one of her outdoor events this year. And a cool snap in Germany while the rest of Europe burns meant an opportunity that might never come again.

Dina doing henna at Whoriental Festival July 16 2022 by Suzanne Forbes sm editedThis is Dina, who does henna art at most Queerberg Presents events.

Her work is exquisite. We had a really nice visit while I sat with her and drew. It’s very hard to get a good scan of these pastel drawings, so the header image shows the drawings as photographed, while this is a scan, above.

Suryani posing at Whoriental Festival July 16 2022 by Suzanne ForbesThis is Suryani, who was so gracious about sitting with me and posing.

She is a graceful dancer and terrific makeup artist. She posed very elegantly and looked marvelous. Swirly skirt!!

Emrah was bustling around as things got started (I arrived at the very beginning of the event), filming the scene and posting it (screenshots of me drawing Dina below!) One of the things I love about her is that he is a wonderful archivist, documenting all the events and sharing them.

After a Queerberg Presents event I always hit the instagram account’s Stories, so I can enjoy some of the action even though I mostly can’t be there.

Emrah always offers to have someone take care of me, he always sees me as both a person and a disabled person.

I knew I would feel safe at this event. I was cared for and seen. There was an awareness team, and whenever I asked someone for help they were there. A crew member walked me to the bathroom for the club’s backyard, but unfortunately it was at the top of three straight flights of stairs, and then apparently more stairs. Those stairs looked like Mount Everest to me.* “Can you keep it?” she asked. “Gonna try and keep it for a while”, I laughed.

KA and Keil Li Divõn at Whoriental Festival from Queerberg Presents by Suzanne Forbes Dec 13 2022I got to meet IRL Keil Li Divõn, who I know online and had drawn IRL at one of the last events I went to in 2020.

Such a treat to draw her again! She is on the right, KA is on left. I asked Keil Li to call me a taxi, as I still don’t own a phone. She called the cab, and then she walked me out to it, made sure I got in it. Listen to her sing here and check out her channel!

Whoriental Festival Dj Baran by Suzanne Forbes March 28 2023Here is the DJ booth with DJ Baran Kok!

You can find Baran here and here.

Here is a list of everything that was scheduled if you would like to be amazed at how much Queer Berlin talent could fit in one venue. Inside the venue, sworker-led panels, bellydance workshops, performances, live music, birthday cake for and stripperformance from beloved muse Chiqui Love, djs, fire-eating from Munetsi aka I-am-Showman, drag shows and more.

And in the sunny, shady backyard, a bazaar with food, music, shops, henna art, a toy raffle from Other Nature Berlin, and tables from beloved Berlin sworker orgs!

The orgs included The Black Sex Workers Collective (@thebswc, website here, twitter here) Trans*Sexworks (@transsexworks, website here, linktree here), Sx Worker Union (@sxworkerunionberlin) and one for org Trans Pride Berlin (@transprideberlin.)

A photo of a colorful collection of t-shirts, zines, stickers and posters from sex worker organizations, with mottos and titles like "trans rent boys", "no cops in our clubs" and "sex workers against fascism".
I got a marvelous haul of solidarity items!

Tabling at an event is exhausting, incredibly hard work. While I support these orgs online with redistribution and sharing, it was really great to actually meet folks doing the work and hand them cash for awesome stuff.

I live in Berlin. I’m well aware that this celebration of BIPOC queer, trans, refugee folx and the sex work many do is vulnerable. Every person I know at this event has suffered so much, and certainly everyone I don’t know too. Virtually no-one is secure in any sense.

I want a world where this event happens every summer, and I also know it’s possible it will never happen again.

So I am doing everything I can to celebrate it and honor the folks involved. I was only there for 2.5 hours, but it meant the world to me, and I’m so grateful to my Patrons, who made it possible.

My Patreon Patrons are the 70 or so folks whose monthly financial support makes it possible for me to continue documenting Berlin performers as a high-risk disabled person.

*I absolutely would have stayed longer if there had been an accessible place to pee. But Europe is not accessible. There is no ADA. (There is the EAA, and in Germany the BITV, but both are really focused on products and services like web access. Europe doesn’t even try with physical building accessibility.)