A summer finissage at the Schwules Museum.

Layana Flaxx and L at the Schwules Museum July 29 2019 by Suzanne ForbesI have made so many drawings this summer!

I’m still catching up from the beginning of June, with events like this finissage at the Schwules Museum. It was a beautiful event for the closing of the incredible “Objects of Desire” exhibit, with two live performances.

Above, gorgeous model, makeup-artist and advocate Layanna Flaxx shows off her purple hair. I was sitting with my friend Sadie Lune and saying how amazing her makeup in her latest film was, and she was like “Yeah Layanna did it!”.

Photographer at Objects of Desire Finnissage and Liad performance Schwules Museum July 29 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThis young photographer is artist and filmmaker Chuck Blue Lowry, who was documenting the live performance of Liad Hussein Kantorowicz

The performances involved nudity, so I can’t create those drawings for this site – look for them on my other site in the next few days.

2 thoughts on “A summer finissage at the Schwules Museum.

  1. Chuck Blue Lowry

    Hey Suzanne, I’m the filmmaker that you drew in the bottom picture! My name is Chuck Blue Lowry. A friend sent through the link to this and I was blown away, such gorgeous work and such a lovely surprise to be on the other side of documentation for once! Thanks so much for capturing this, let me know if your happy for me to share this image! So much love, Chuck xx

    1. Suzanne Forbes Post author

      I am delighted to read this! What a treat to hear from you, and I’ll link you in the post 🙂 Of course, you are absolutely welcome to share wherever you want, use on business cards, however you like 🙂


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