Category Archives: Infuriating news of the cyberpunk dystopia we live in.

Binding Trump – to The Phantom Zone!!

BindTrump to the Phantom Zone by Suzanne Forbes Feb 24 2017 CC0 public domainIn honor of the Binding “President” Trump rituals happening all over the world beginning February 24, I made this picture.

Since I am a science fiction person and not an occult person (love and respect to all my occult peeps!) I boundTrump to the Phantom Zone. You may recall that’s where Superman puts villains.

The picture is licensed Creative Commons CC0; it is in the public domain and I waive all rights to it.

I wish with all my heart for “President” Trump to vanish to eternal imprisonment in the Phantom Zone with the rest of the supervillains, and may he stay there for all eternity, outside space and time, harming no one else.

Lots of good folk are involved in this project and its sharing around the world. Here is a central source and the beginning of the binding words:

I call upon you
To bind
“President” “President” Donald J. Trump
So that he may fail utterly
That he may do no harm
To any human soul
Nor any tree
or Sea

Bind him so that he shall not break our polity
Usurp our liberty
Or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair
And bind, too,
All those who enable his wickedness
And those whose mouths speak his poisonous lies

This is only the first binding; it will be repeated all over the world “at midnight on every waning crescent moon until he is removed from office.”

Making is my medicine: 40 hours of moth embroidery.

Grey Embroidered Moth by Suzanne Forbes January 2017I spent a week of my life this month making this moth.

Grey Embroidered Moth by Suzanne Forbes January 2017I don’t know if it was the best use of my time at this frightening time, but I do know I wasn’t capable of going out and protesting.

I’ve been barely able to function, this month.

Making something beautiful was the only thing I could contribute to the world. So I kept doing that.

Doing handwork, “Women’s Work.” Stabbing something 6,000 times.

I’ve spent a lot of time doing what I call “running background processes” this month.

Grey Embroidered Moth by Suzanne Forbes January 2017I’m working on a very hard to write piece about sexual violence, and the words tumble around in my head like stones in a polisher.

I can think about it for tiny snippets at a time, and then I turn to the comfort of sparkle and glimmer and applying tiny hematite crystals one at a time for hours.

Everything about the Cheeto “President” triggers me. I am constantly triggered. It sucks. I can’t sleep during the American news cycle, so I’m up from 6pm to 11am.

I don’t know the name of the woman who made this protest sign for the Women’s March, but she is a hero. A real live art hero.

protest embroidery