Tag Archives: urban sketching

December 2019 Unterwegs: Buff Gay Lovebirds and Cannibal Kids!

Child eats dads head unterwegs by Suzanne Forbes Dec 17 2019I saw this sweet family on the bus one night recently.

Apparently, when you have a child, they sometimes try to eat your head. And the child’s mother thinks it’s funny, so there’s no help there.

Buff lovebirds on the U Bahn by uzanne Forbes Dec 2 2019I saw these buff sweethearts on the subway this summer, then the drawing languished unfinished til December!

They were happy to pose and I gave them my card, I hope they‘re not disappointed it took a while to get posted!

I am so grateful that the monthly financial support of my Patreon Patrons makes it possible for me to document Berlin people like this.

I believe these people and their stories matter, and I’m able to make these drawings and share them because I’m crowdfunded and can be flexible in managing my limited resources. Click here to help, for as little as a dollar/euro per month.

November Unterwegs!

Unterwegs November 24 2019 lady with gloves by Suzanne ForbesI know, there haven’t been any unterwegs for so long!

And some of my Patrons as well as many of my followers really enjoy them; I’m sorry I haven’t been making them. Unfortunately the last nine months or so have just been a mess with my health, and I haven’t gone anywhere except to doctors, most of whom are walking distance or one subway stop away. I’m feeling better now, and have had a little bit of energy for going to things. And since we live where all the doctors are but none of the nightlife is, that means riding the U-Bahn!

Above, a lady with gloves I saw while heading to the Drink And Draw Berlin boat for a Dr. Sketchy’s/D&D Berlin session. The guy behind her was just staring at me. Not like people usually stare at me – because watching someone draw is vaguely interesting, or because seeing someone draw on the subway is unusual, or I am wearing a giant fly made of Swarovski crystals on my head or whatever. This guy was staring at me like I was one more random event in a day that didn’t make sense. I felt for him, but I liked the way his arm was just hanging there, so I drew him anyway. I do not believe the bottle was his; it had rolled from a different part of the car.

Unterwegs October 26 2019 guy with backpack by Suzanne ForbesThis guy was very aware that I was drawing him.

I had caught his eye when I sat down across from him because I swung my bag around to get my sketchbook out and accidentally bonked the lady next to me. I apologized loudly in my American way, saying “Entschuldigung! Tut mir leid!” while the lady snorted and everyone looked over. Then I saw the guy sitting back so serenely, and started drawing him. And he realized it, and actually posed! Which happens occasionally, but not often, on the U-Bahn.

Here’s the previous unterwegs, and you can see the unterwegs gallery on flickr here.

As always I am so grateful to my Patrons for their crowdfunded support, which lets me make this work and release it as Free Art. 

You can join my Patreon Patrons, for as little as a dollar/euro a month, to keep me making my documentary art of Berlin.