Go to Bar Bot, where robots will make you a pretty good Pisco Sour.

We saw Bar Bot creators Simone Davalos and David Calkins at a party this weekend, and heard great things from Simone about the upcoming Bar Bot event. It’s in a cool sekrit location and apparently our friend Jonathan Foote is building something impressively insane. Go, and have drinks mixed for you while our future robot overlords still stoop to the level of doing menial tasks for meatsacks! Mostly the robots work, sometimes they don’t, sometimes there’s a fire!

Also, see below for our rockets, robots & rayguns roundup, inspired by Simone.

Clipped from http://barbot.us/barbot-2013-75-october-25-26th/

For all your retro-future technology decor needs.

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About Suzanne Forbes

Suzanne Forbes is a traditionally trained figurative artist who makes documentary art of queer culture and Berlin life. She also works in mixed media. She is a former New Yorker who immigrated to Berlin with her third husband and their two cats. Her work is crowdfunded by the support of her Patrons on Patreon; you could help! In previous lives Suzanne was a graffiti artist in downtown NY, a courtroom artist for CBS and CNN, a penciller for DC Comics on Star Trek, and a live-drawing chronicler of Bay Area alternative culture.

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