Tag Archives: gothic halloween

Extreme Gothic Halloween Values for the Discerning Geek, at 99Only.

99Only Halloween skull glass display

And now begins the High Holy Season of Geeks, the sacred month of Halloween.

The 31st falls on a Thursday this year, so expect parties both the weekend before and the weekend after. Or you can opt for Halloweek, like we’re doing. Today is the day to begin laying in supplies and planning your events, so we’ve got some tips on shopping.

Wouldn’t you know, my work T324’s longtime client 99Only.com is a truly excellent Halloween resource!

I wouldn’t have thought to go to a dollar store, because even though I’m cheap, I’m a snob. And I buy so much Halloween junk that costs plenty of money (from crack peddlars Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn, thanks a lot you bastards) that I probably don’t need to buy Halloween stuff that’s practically free too. However, one of my work’s big clients is local “extreme value” retailer 99Only.com. Continue reading